When using sunglasses, it is imperative that you choose a pair that is capable of blocking at least 99% of the harmful UV-A and UV-B rays that can cause photokeratitis–also known as an “eye sunburn”–as well as macular degeneration and cataracts, according to the American Optometric Association. But what recourse do you have when your sunglass lenses break or become scratched in such an irreparable way that they are unusable?
Rather than having to get a brand new set of frames, you may want to consider getting sunglass replacement lenses. Regardless of what kinds of frames you customarily use, you are likely to find the right lenses to fit them, whether they are Ray Ban lenses replacements, Oakley replacement lenses, or a brand in between.
When choosing sunglass lens replacements, here are some things to consider. You may want to get polarized lenses that are also scratch-resistant. In fact, polarized sunglasses were even used back in 1936, having been constructed by Edwin H. Land, who started the Polaroid company. Ray Ban utilized this technology to create aviator sunglasses that prevented glare and provided maximum eye protection. Pilots were given these sunglasses at no cost to them.
When weighing your purchasing options, it may make sense to purchase the lenses from a company that can offer you free shipping to anywhere in the world. Whether you live in the United States, in Australia–where that country’s Bureau of Statistics reports that about half of the citizenry wear sunglasses–or you’re Elton John and one of your more than 1,000 pairs of sunglass frames need replacing, you should be able to order your lenses as conveniently as possible.
If you have general questions regarding sunglass lenses replacement, or you have specific tips concerning Ray Ban lenses replacement, do not hesitate to share them in the section below.